Psychological capital and its relation to coping styles of special education teachers

Document Type : Original Article


Summary :The study aimed to uncover the dimensions of psychological capital and its 
relationship to the styles of coping pressure in special education teachers, and to detect the 
extent of differences in the degrees of psychological capital and styles of coping pressures 
depending on the variables of years of experience and gender.
Forty (40) teachers of the special education schools of Egypt, ranging in age from 30 to 50 
years, were formed by a standard deviation of 2.5.
The psychological capital scale, and the measure of styles of coping, both of which were 
prepared by the researcher, were used.
The results have been reported that:
1. The existence of a positive relationship between the dimensions of psychological capital, and 
the degree of cognitive strategies and the existence of an inverse relationship with emotional 
and foreign strategies, and most teachers in years of experience have achieved higher grades in 
the use of cognitive strategies than teachers in the least years of experience.
2. Most teachers in the years of experience achieved higher grades in self-efficacy, while the 
lowest teachers in the years of experience achieved higher degrees in resilience.
3. Female teachers have achieved higher scores in only resilience dimension ,and male teachers 
achieved higher scores in the use of cognitive strategies than teachers, while female teachers 
achieved higher scores in the use of emotional strategies than male teachers.


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