The role of informatics in tourism marketing in Egypt: Facebook as a model (field study)

Document Type : Original Article


Information and communication technology (IT) has been able to change 
different lifestyles, competition in the virtual space has been increasing and 
the application or use of traditional methods of tourism is no longer 
productive, and tourism in the world has faced another challenge, Which hit 
many countries of the world, and Egypt was particularly vulnerable to a 
number of successive challenges during the period 2011-2014 due to the 
country's political and security conditions, and the movement of tourism 
activity during the period from 2014 to 2017 fluctuation between the rise and 
fall, The importance of using these sites as a marketing tool for all 
industries, including the tourism industry, where the industry depends to a 
large extent on the tourism industry, has become an important tourist 
destination that is not immune to the changes and developments that affect 
the size of tourism demand. Consumer opinions, and the spread of 
information. Where the tourism institutions in Egypt no longer have to 
develop their websites and pages on Facebook in a manner consistent with 
the era of electronic competition, and marketing the Egyptian tourism 
services attractively through the Internet.
Therefore, the problem of the study can be crystallized in the following 
question: What is the role of informatics in the marketing of tourism to 
Egypt via Facebook pages interested in tourism promotion and marketing to 
Egypt to overcome the crises and challenges facing this important economic 
sector and to reveal the trends of those followers and their views and 
evaluation of tools, elements and methods Informatics used by those pages 
in tourism marketing to Egypt? 
In order to answer the previous question, the study relied on the 
methodology of the media survey as the most suitable scientific curricula 
suitable for descriptive studies, through sample survey method, in order to 
describe the characteristics, opinions, attitudes and behavior of a sample of 
the followers of Facebook pages interested in tourist activism - And Arabs 
and foreigners by 100 individuals from each category - to those pages, 
allowing the dissemination of the results of the survey on the society from 
which the sample was withdrawn, through the electronic survey through 
Google Forms . 
The study concluded many results, the most important of which are:
1 - The results of the study showed that the positive trend was higher than 
the Facebook pages interested in tourism promotion and marketing for Egypt 
in the sample of the study. It obtained the highest percentage among the 
trend categories which reached 66.3% of the total sample, followed by the 
neutral trend category by 31.7 %).
2 - The negative trend categories received a very small percentage in the 
sample of the study, which amounted to only 2% of the total sample, which 
indicates the effectiveness of those pages in the activation and marketing of 
tourism to Egypt, and the effectiveness of marketing tourism to Egypt.
3 - The results of the study showed that the most reliable factors among the 
respondents, which enhance their confidence in Facebook pages interested in 
tourist activism are related to the large number of followers and the page to 
be famous.
4 - Interested members of the sample in full visit Facebook pages of tourism 
marketing to Egypt, where the percentage of those interested in the visit 
(100%) of the total sample, and this indicates the awareness and interest of 
the public on the different nationalities of Egypt, Arab and f used in marketing

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