Male health after forty between concepts of masculinity and masculinity, a study in biological anthropology

Document Type : Original Article


The research aims to reach how a man can care for his health after the age of forty and
the healthy way of life he leads to protect his health in general and his
sexual/masculine one in particular, and to what extent the age after forty have an
influence on the health as one of the biological affecting factors. The research tackles,
also, the cultural and social factors affecting the health of man, and their relation to
his sex as male and his gender as a man. Thus, the research deals with masculine
culture that draws a specific image to man associated with his masculinity or sexuality
and its relation to his manhood culture. Since masculinity health is important to man,
his care for his masculinity might be an incentive to care for his general health
especially after the age of forty .In addition to what this research expounds, it deals
with manhood culture and its relation to illness and health. Through this context, it is
obvious how manhood is related to social roles of man that he follows to be
associated with manhood especially the bodily/physical power. Moreover, his interest
in his roles, might lead to his interest in his health in general, especially after the age
of forty to overcome aging to keep his ability to perform all the roles needed, so that
his manhood would not be threatened. This is what the research displays in addition to
the social dimensions affecting the health awareness of man and his health practices
(his health life style); and from these social dimensions: the marital status,
educational, career, class dimension, besides, the cultural, ecological dimension in
relation to cultural and social environment of where the man lives and interacts. The
research deals also with the biological dimension affecting the health of a man
primarily that related to the age of forty and the years to follow, besides, the research
tackles, also, the psychological factors affecting physical man's health, especially his
masculinity in the light of the multiplicity of roles that man performs in his daily life
and this leads to conflicting roles. Finally, the research reached the conclusion that
man cares for his health mainly for cultural and social reasons; as besides the effect of
his age of forty that makes him care more, the different health life style is linked to
cultural and social standards of the man. This research is part of a doctoral degree
titled: "Health Life Style of Man after Forty—A Study in Biological Anthropology in
Cairo". This degree probes deep in one of anthropological branches; Biological
Anthropology through blending the biological side with the cultural side. The study
shows the mutual effect between man's physical/biological body that is linked to
illness and health, and culture with its influential factors. The research is based on
sex/gender model and role theory as theoretical framework and on anthropological
method and the bio-cultural perspective as methodological framework. The cases in
the research are varied according to social, cultural and biological dimensions. The
study is performed in Cairo, in one of the popular neighborhoods and another
civilized one and the kind of occupation is the pivot of the choice of cases