Modern and contemporary trends and future vision for the study of climate change

Document Type : Original Article


For Importance of climate change studies at the scientific and global levels,
the study analyzes the trends of more than five thousand academic researches
published in English Databases since January 1995 until December 2017. Aims
to highlight the scientific and research status of the problems of climate change,
and its role in deepening the scientific thinking of contemporary; for
researchers in general and geographers in particular, and highlighting the recent
and contemporary trends in climate change research in terms of: content,
methodology and technique, determining the relative importance and
qualitative structure of applied research according to major scientific
disciplines, and the extent of geographical contribution to this. To achieve the
objectives, the discussion and analysis dealt with five main themes: Problems
of climate change studies, Main features of periodicals and scientific researchs
under study, Analysis of recent and contemporary trends of research published
in international journals, Contribution of geographers in the publication of
scientific journals and their research trends, and Future vision to advance the
specialization of climate change. Concluded that; There are quite a few
scientific ideas used to assess climate change, However, there are still many
scientific, technical and institutional barriers to the careful planning and
mitigation of climate change studies and adaptation, There is an urgent need to
achieve a vision for the future to advance the specialization of climate change.
