The position and views of the Egyptian press on the abolition of the Ottoman Caliphate 1924

Document Type : Original Article


The Summary
 this research has dealt with the positions and views of the 
independent Egyptian newspapers that do not belong to any of the 
Egyptian parties in that period, but belong to different orientations were, 
those newspapers, including the newspaper Al-Ahram, which participated 
in denouncing the abolition of the Caliphate and the consequences of it, 
and the position of the newspaper to call an Islamic conference To solve 
the issue of Caliphate , and that the conference in Egypt for its position in 
the Islamic world, and then the position of the newspaper of King Fouad's 
ambition of Caliphate and the convening of the Islamic Conference..
 The research has also showed The position of the newspapers of 
religious character, including Al-Manar magazine, which also 
participated in denouncing the abolition of the caliphate and calling for a 
general Islamic conference, as well as its position on the aspiration of 
King Fouad to be the khalif of the Muslims, and also the position of Al-
Manar from the book of Sheikh Ali Abdul Razek Islam and the origins of 
the ruling, The existence of the Caliphate as an asset of the rule, and the 
position of Al-Manar from the convening of the General Islamic 
Conference of the Caliphate 1926. Then the magazine of the General 
Islamic Conference of the Caliphate issued by Al-Azhar to invite the 
General Islamic Conference of Caliphate inside and outside of Egypt, 
And also the magazine of the Al-Azhar Bulletin , which was calling for 
attention to the issue of Caliphate and to show its importance to Muslims 
And clarified the position of the Masr newspaper, a Coptic newspaper 
which characterized its position on the issue of Caliphate with the 
participation of Egyptians in denouncing the abolition of the Caliphate 
and support the idea of holding an Islamic conference
 The research has dealt with liberal newspapers, including Al-Hilal 
newspaper and the almqtatif of the newspaper's position on the issue of 
Caliphate and the decision to abolish it. And how these newspapers 
characterized their position in support of the Turks in their decision of the 
abolition of the Caliphate, in considering that national nationalism is 
more important than religion and its position also on the issue of the book 
of Islam and the origins of governance and its defense of Sheikh Ali 
Abdul Razek and his right to freedom of expression of his ideas.

Israel Gershoni and James P Jankowski.: Egypt, Islam, and the Arabs 
the Search for 
 Egyptian Nationhood, 1900-1930, Oxford University Press, 1987
Reza Pankhurst:The inevitable Caliphate? : A history of the Struggle 
for Global Islamic Union, 1924 to the Present, Oxford University 
Press, 2013