Baghdad during the reign of Hasan Pasha (1704-1724 AD)

Document Type : Original Article


Hassan Pasha exerted his best efforts to form a large military force 
that owes him allegiance to replace the corrupt Ansarism. He succeeded 
in establishing the Mamluk system, which achieved many achievements. 
His policies were characterized by reforms of administrative, economic 
and security aspects, and the imposition of security and order by 
subjugating the Arab tribes Ghirir, Lamm, Khaza'al, Muntafiq, Shamar, 
Zubaid (Dulaim-slaves-Jabour) and Kadhim, and the Kurdish tribes of 
Belbas, Yazidis, Jaf, Babaniyah,Were helped by the new military power 
created by the Mamluks. Some of them also used the rulers of Persia to 
confront tribal rebellions on the border. His victories, achievements and 
regularity led him to fulfill his obligations to Astana and to show respect 
for the Sultan and the High Ba'ab and his staff, and the chaos that struck 
its branches in Persia in the wake of the Afghan invasion and the Sultan's 
exploitation of those circumstances. Kermanshah, Erdoğan and Luristan 
were killed and died at the gates of Hamadan to begin a new phase in the 
history of Iraq.