Graduation of branches on assets at Al-Amrani Al-Shafi’i T 558 AH in his book “Al-Bayan”

Document Type : Original Article


In this Topic, I talked about two rules of original 
rules which I got from ( Albian book ) for Elomrany 
prest ( T 558 lt) . I divided it in two researches.: 
59- The first research:
60- The rule of the Letters of meanings "and" plural 
for all plural Summary: The original scientists were 
different about The Letter "and" for specific its real 
meaning without unreal, most of original scientist 
explained it plural for all and another explained, it is for 
arrangement and one of them said it for relationship Elomrany prest and most original scientist had the same 
opinion " it plural for all ". There was amount of 
participation between arrangement and relationship.
61- The second research:
62- The rule: Did the branches of relation for The 
sake of unmuslems ?
63- Unmuslems were responsible for branches of 
obeyment and its originals: This is The opinion of most 
old original scientist . There was another opinion: 
unmuslems weren't responsible for the branches of 
religion, but they were responsible for forbiddens only 
without orders. 
64- They were responsible for branches without struggle. 
65- Returner who is responsible for branches but not real 
unmuslems. There was agreement between Omarany 
prest and the opinion which said "unmuslems weren't 
responsible for branches of religion and he was different 
with his prest way in this case.