Developing life skills to improve the positive behaviors of female university students who intend to marry

Document Type : Original Article


The present study aimed at identifying the effectiveness a guiding 
(heuristic) program to develop the Life skills – detecting how long the 
effect of the program after the post and follow application in developing 
the Life skills.. The study sample consisted of (20) ) university students 
of the marriage starters, the two groups of average economic and social 
level, aged between (20:22) years, and they were deliberately selected 
from students who did not exceed Their engagement period (one and a 
half years)curriculum those who received low scores in the life skills and 
positive. The researcher prepared some of the tools that she used in the 
current study, such as a guiding (heuristic) program to guide ) university 
students of the marriage starters to improve their life skills , Positive 
Behaviour. The study results have revealed the effectiveness the 
effectiveness a guiding (heuristic) program to develop the Life skills –
detecting how long the effect of the program after the post and follow 
application in developing the Life skills.


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