The social role of the women of the third transition era until the Sawy era

Document Type : Original Article


The Ancient Egyptian civilization had effected in the human history, and 
had its social and cultural roots in among other civilizations, and there are 
many cultural values inherited from ancient Egyptians, the most 
important of which was “The Social status of Women”.
The Egyptian Woman played an important role in the ancient Egyptian 
Society, so she shared the man in his religious, political, social, and daily 
life activities, and positions Women and men in ancient Egypt were 
equal in every area except occupations.
The most important position which the woman could hold, beginning 
from the New Kingdom of Egypt, was God's Wife of Amun. There were 
many "God's Wives" associated with different deities, and initially, in the 
Middle Kingdom, the God's Wife of Amun was simply one among many. 
The God's Wife was an honorary title given to a woman who would assist 
the high priest in ceremonies. Throughout the New Kingdom , the value 
of the position increased by time until, the Third Intermediate Period , 
the God's Wife of Amun had the same as the power as the king and 
effectively ruled Upper Egypt. there were many women to hold this rank.

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