The jurisprudental Differences related to the Blind

Document Type : Original Article


The thesis Subject: 
The issues that the jurisprists have stated on its judge in the right of the 
blind contrary to the other include:
1- The difference the blind endeavoring in water and in Qiblah. 
2- The difference between the blind and the disabled in the Jum’ah 
3- The difference between the blind and the disabled in Alhaj.
4- The difference between the blind and the clear eyed with suspicion.
5- The difference between the blind and the dump in aknowledging 
of the adultery. 
6- The difference between the blind and the narrow minded in the 
issues of divorce. 
7- The difference between the blind and the transgressor in witnessing 
on the adultery. 
8- The difference between the blind and the lame in haring the booty.
9- The difference between the blind and clear eyed in hunting. 
The research objectives: 
 To Indetify the jurisprudental differences related to the blind. 
 To Clarify the disputes of the scientists in the jurisprudental 
 To Illustrate the understanding the Islamic jurisprudence for the 
ligitmately compotent.
 To link between the differences and the modern technologies. 
 The research methodology: 
The research has used the methodology followed in the 
comparative jurisprudental studies including: 
1- Decrypting the issues and editing the place of difference.
2- Restricting on the jurisprudental creeds that stated on the difference. 
3- Documenting on the contemporary cases realted to the thesis. 
4- Interesting in the contemporaty cases related to the thesis.
The conclusion has concluded to:
The results: 
 Proving the judges related to excuse’s owners as the blind as an 
except for other. 
 The Interest in the abatement in the excuse’s owners that don’t 
means indulgement with them in The modern technology has its impact on providing the 
difference and criticizing it.
 Studying these jurisprudental differences shows the interest of 
the sharia with who with special needs. 
 To interest in the difference related to the special needs. 
 To Work on the Jurisprudental encyclopedia for who with 
special needs. 
 To open genealogical door for the high studies students. 
