One of the manifestations of psychological conflict in the poetry of princesses (stylistic study)

Document Type : Original Article


Research Topic:
The Manifestations of Psychological Conflict in the Poetry of Princesses. A Stylistic Study.
 Where the research tacklessome scenes of the psychological conflictthatthe experiences of princesses poets are packed with.
The research has attempted to go through these  Self-experience, which shared similar aspects and interwoven significances embodying the psychological conflict stirringin the depth of the princesses poets in terms of the explicit and the implicit messages they involved as well as the high tone of the poetic discourse, which –sometimes-rejectedsuchsiege.
The research has focused on the most important tools of text structureapplied in theseexperiences such as language, style and techniques of expression. It has also revealed some of the narrative techniques used in these texts. The research has also shed light on the manifestations of such conflict and the voices rejecting the internal and the external imprisonmentimposed by life on these princesses while trying to clarify the values ​​of the text, its tools, its psychological dimensions and the features hidden between its lines. Tackling the (similar aspects) such scenes share hasn’t only covered that certain creative work of art; it rather tackled the creative act in general.  
I have chosen the two poets Alia Bint Al-Mahdi and Suad Al-Sabah; as I havesensed in their worksa tone of melancholy, psychological conflict and rejection of the community and the human prison with a diversity of such tone and different levels of its strength and weakness. From the thrones, where they ruled their kingdoms, unique rays beamed; and despite those doors sealed with seriousness, power and authoritativeness, creativity has managed to find a way to express itself in various scenes.
  The research hasn’t aimedat comparing the two poets; However, ithas beenan attempt to go through the scopes of their experiencesviacritical toolsemploying modern methods of criticism such as the psychological approach and the technical approach, which highlights the aesthetic values ​​of the text from all aspects and does not omit the effect of context in receiving and interpreting the text.
