Intertextuality in Adonis Poetry (The Damascene Mehyar Songs as a Model)

Document Type : Original Article


This study aim at tackling "Adonis' quoting of   Mehyar Damasche  poetry  collection " as a sample  , quoting  , which was  one of the most important methods  that has been used by the poet in writing his poem  and essays as well  . This poet who was  distinguished by his cultural diversity and quoting in all branches of culture: such as literary, religion, history, and folk. His vast possession   of cultural diversity was reflected in his poetry, which he fashioned in a modern way, using quoting technology with a deep understanding to  different folk branches.
 This study aim at presenting all these different way of quoting the poet used  , and reflecting his ability of using  humorous sense  , which contributed to make his poem  open religiously, culturally and historically  , this   also helped  to make his poem  readable and researchable   by   different recipients .
 Adonis collection   of poet " Songs of Mehyar Damascene"  used  different methods  of quoting such as using vocabulary with several forms  , like  quotation of texts, mentioning historical, religious and mythological personalities, which make him unique between his  colleague  to betried in that  oppressive time.