Taking into account integrity and impossibility when formulating grammatical structures in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers (critical analytical study)

Document Type : Original Article


The consideration of correctness and impossibility for formulating
grammatical structures in the teaching of Arabic to non-Arabic speake
The ancient Arab heritage is full of theories, methods and foundations
that need to be studied by researchers to invest in a wide range of modern
linguistics, especially in the field of teaching Arabic to non-Arabic
speakers, including the concept of 'integrity and impossibility' on the
basis of which Sibweh -type in favor of the Sheikh Khalil .The title of
'speech on the basis of its significance,' making it types: the good
integrity, and assigns, and then began to distinguish between the word
and the meaning in linguistic analysis.
And the resemblance between the era of Khalil in establishing the
rules for the teaching of the Ajajs language of the Koran, I preferred to
clarify that principle in the teaching of Arabic to other speakers.
The study was divided as follows
Introduction: Objectives of teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers.
The first topic: the resemblance between the era of Khalil and Sibweh
when setting grammar and teaching Arabic as a second language.
The second topic: the concept of integrity and impossibility in
grammatical structure.
The third topic: the foundations of integrity in grammatical structures.
The fourth topic: the relationship of the term integrity and impossibility
in terms of systems, context, and the combination of clues.
The fifth topic: ways to achieve alignment with: submission, delay, and
deletion, the Override in the meaning.
the correctness, impossibility, grammatical structures, teaching of Arabic
to non-Arabic speakers