Analysis of political Elite discourse and youth empowerment; World Youth Forum as a model

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of education- matrouh university


The current study seeks to determine the global social context in which the texts and discourses of the political elite appeared towards empowering youth, in addition to dismantling the discourse of the political elite in the Egyptian society, to clarify its parts, basic elements and characteristics, and to identify the active forces in it, whether the forces that produced the discourse and wrote it, or the forces that She worked on moving issues of the discourse and defining its topics and objectives, in addition to defining the mechanisms and strategies that the discourse producers followed, the most prominent of which are the discourse in its various texts; Which helps us in understanding and identifying the intellectual and ideological backgrounds of the discourse producers, by relying on “analysis of the path of proof” and citing paragraphs of the texts that make up the discourse of the political elite in Egyptian society, to demonstrate the validity of the analysis contained and what was reached after dismantling the discourse of its basic elements, in addition to To the study's dependence on "the analysis of the active forces", whether the active forces producing the discourse and who wrote it, or the active forces driving the discourse around which the discourse revolved or directed it. The results of the study showed the impact of the global context on the texts of the discourse of youth empowerment, especially when it comes to wars and conflicts, the Corona virus pandemic, and the issue of the Renaissance Dam. The speech was addressed by the President of the Republic, the Organizing Committee of the World Youth Forum, the Egyptian government, the United Nations, civil society organizations and international organizations. The most prominent objectives of the speech were to combat violence and terrorism and achieve peace and development.


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