Social and cultural dimensions of the problem of disability (A Socio-anthropological study)

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt


Disability is not a new topic on the scientific scene, nor is it a product of the modern era. Disability is as old as the existence of man on earth, but its treatment differs from time to time, from one culture to another, from one society to another, and even from one science to another. We, as anthropologists, have our own vision in dealing with topics.
Therefore, the study aimed to shed light on the most important social and cultural factors that may have a role in the occurrence of disability, in an attempt to identify the most important reasons behind disability and spread awareness of them to avoid them and reduce infection rates.
The study relied on the descriptive analytical, the cognitive approaches worldview theory, context theory, and role theory.
The study found that there is a strong relationship between the incidence of disability and societal and cultural factors. There are many cultural, social and environmental variables that help in the occurrence of disability. The spread of disability is due to many variables such as customs, traditions, values, ignorance, poverty, and the cultural environmental context in which disability appears has a major role in supporting the disabled. And his family in this case because having a disability is one of the biggest challenges that a disabled person faces, given that society views the disabled person and his family with complete rejection, marginalization, and contempt.


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