Arab intellectual production about the Gypsy (Roma) A bibliographic study of printed information sources

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of History and civilization of middle Ages, Editor in Chief at Historical Kan Periodical, Cairo.

2 Faculty of Applied Arts - Tanta University, Egypt.


Bibliographic control of intellectual production is consider one of the important tools that reflects scientific activity in the field and facilitates access to it through the various entrances that these tools provide. Because the Gypsy (Roma) are a unique and distinct people, their uniqueness has led them to be the focus of a few specialized and non-specialized studies and writings, The current study deals with Arab intellectual production about the Roma, specifically sources of information printed in Arabic and translated into Arabic in all fields except literary, fictional, short-story, and poetic works. The study aims to identify various sources of information about the Roma and prepare a comprehensive bibliographic list to introduce them. The study relied on the descriptive survey method to provide complete and accurate bibliographic data. The study found that Arab intellectual production specializing in the Roma suffers from severe weakness. The study recommended the need to know and analyze the objective trends in sources of information published about this ethnic group. The results of the study help researchers to analyze what is available and disseminate what is new in the field of Roma studies.


Main Subjects