The social and heritage culture of the Persian economy in Egyptian society (the seashell craft in Darb al-Ahmar as an example)

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Education


The creative cultural industries (orange economy) are considered one of the fastest growing industries in the world and have been proven to be a sustainable development option that relies on a unique resource (human creativity).
The researcher was specifically interested in one of the forms of the orange economy, which is the seashell industry, and identifying its dimensions.
The social, cultural and heritage aspects of this industry. The study contributes to developing a vision for the seashell craft and making use of it to generate income for individuals. The current study attempts to draw attention to the importance of traditional craft industries as a productive economic function that contributes to reducing the phenomena of poverty and unemployment. The study contributes to developing a future vision for the shell craft and making use of it. Including generating income for individuals. The practical importance is represented in trying to identify the challenges facing the seashell craft in light of the modern market’s requirements for technological skill and scientific expertise in formulating new frameworks, models and forms and supporting the social, educational and cultural development of the craftsmen category. The researcher benefited from functional constructivism in identifying the structural changes that occurred in the shell industry and identifying the extent of interaction between the shell industry and the economic and social environment in society. The study reached a number of results, the most important of which are: that there are a number of social, cultural and economic factors that confront the ability of The shell industry is able to withstand and continue (the lack of production is linked to the market - the risk of extinction, the high prices of raw materials, the tendency to work on a daily basis, the lack of real government support, the problem of marketing). Social networking sites have protected the shell industry from collapse, and modernization in the form of the product is one of the mechanisms for the survival of the craft in addition to Motivation to learn new. The seashell market has flexibility in production and the ability to produce goods that suit market requirements, which are constantly changing. The seashell industry is environmentally friendly by not using machines and relying on physical strength and skill, thus not releasing any pollutants into the environment.


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