Rhetoric of criticism and criticism of rhetoric Read in a book Arab criticism towards a second look

Document Type : Original Article


Arabic departement-Alsun facullity- Ain shams un,iversity


Dr. Mustafa Nassif is considered a unique model among his peers and the sons of his generation. He is also one of the most prominent critics in the modern era, as he is an imam in all his fields of criticism and writing.
The research relies on the practice of (criticism of criticism) by Dr. Mustafa Nassef in his critical discourse with the application of the descriptive analytical approach, which adopts the analysis of critical discourse that leads to a critical theory of the critic. As it becomes clear to the reader his approach to dialogue with the other, and to take the saying in a specific way; To present his opinion and evaluate what needs to be evaluated in his view, this research came under the title: "Rhetoric of Criticism and Criticism of Rhetoric, a Reading in the Book (Arab Criticism Toward a Second Theory)".
The research is directed to addressing a specific critical material, which is the critical discourse. In order to reach general features that can be viewed as basic pillars of the critic's identity between science with his ideas, premises and concepts, and art with its intuition, aesthetics and intentionality.
The research was divided into these points:
1- The intellectual reference of the critic.
2- The procedural tools on which he relied.
3- Expressive formulation (methodological issues) that establish his critical approach.
4- Luminous knowledge of criticism of criticism.
Keywords: Dr. Nasef, criticism of criticism, critical approach, modern criticism.
