The working of the factorial model on the characters of the short story “On the Train” by Muhammad Taymur

Document Type : Original Article


Arabic departement-Alsun facullity- Ain shams un,iversity


Research Summary

Narrative semiotics is based on studying the various structures of discourse, starting from the superficial and deep structures to replacing the concept of character with the concept of agent and actor. The research relies on character analysis according to the factor model (Grimas) as an application to the first short story in Arabic literature. To discover how to achieve the factorial model on the short story, and to derive its interpretive implications through the character; Therefore, this research was entitled:
The application of Greimas's to the characters of the short story (On the Train) by Muhammad Taymur
The research assumes that applying the will help reveal the structure of the characters in the story.
The search is divided as follows:
First: Introduction: A theoretical introduction to the short story, the importance of research, the methodology followed, and previous studies.
Second: A theoretical introduction to Greimas’s factor model.
Third: Analysis of the character in the story on the train according to Greimas’s factor model.
Keywords: factorial model, Greimas, Muhammad Taymour, short story, literary criticism.
