Arabic Language Acquisition Through Stimulus-Behavioral Response And The Extent to Which They Are Achieved in Artificial Intelligence Tools )Speech Therapy Sessions for Autistic Patients as a Model(

Document Type : Original Article




This research is based on the stimulus-response theory within the Behavioral Linguistic School, which views language as nothing more than a behavior that can be learned through the elicitation of verbal behavior by the teacher. Both stimulus and response play a crucial role in language acquisition and learning. The theory also emphasizes the significance of reinforcement as it serves as the stimulus for response. This theory proves to be effective in language teaching in general, especially in the case of children facing speech problems such as those with autism. This theory can be highly beneficial in speech therapy sessions, particularly if these centers are supported by artificial intelligence tools. This support would enhance the effectiveness of teaching, making it more efficient and superior.
The objectives of this research which came as an attempt to comprehend and prove the importance of this theory, the possibility of its application in artificial intelligence tools like educational electronic games, interactive robots, and smart boards in the Arabic language. It explores how to activate these tools correctly to align with the goals of the behavioral theory and keep up with the rapid technological advancements in e-learning tools and to assist teachers or trainers in accelerating the learner's mastery. Furthermore, the research endeavors to propose specific mechanisms and introduce linguistic data based on this theory to aid in achieving actual linguistic response for the child.
