The Effect of Cyber Marketing on Sustainability - A study on how to enhance sustainable marketing practices by exploiting social media and digital media

Document Type : Original Article



2 Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University


Objective of the study: This study aimed to estimate the impact of cyber marketing on sustainable marketing practices in Al-Joud Company for Modern Industrial and Agricultural Technology. The research was designed to understand how social media and digital media can be used to promote sustainable marketing practices in an organized context.
Importance of the study: The importance of this study comes from the growing interest in sustainability and digital marketing as major tools for achieving sustainable development. Companies can benefit from this study to improve their cyber marketing strategies in accordance with sustainability principles.
Study methodology: The study adopted a survey approach, where a questionnaire was distributed to 133 employees of Al-Joud Company for Modern Industrial and Agriculture Technology. Data was collected and analyzed using advanced statistical methods to understand the interaction between cyber marketing and sustainable marketing practices.
Most important conclusions

The study showed that there is a positive impact of cyber marketing on sustainable marketing practices at Al-Joud Company for Modern Industrial and Agricultural Technology.
The study found that social media and digital media play an important role in stimulating the trend towards sustainable marketing and increasing awareness of it.

The most important recommendations
Based on the conclusions, the researchers recommend the following:

Promote training and awareness on the effective use of social media and digital media in the context of sustainable marketing.
Intensifying efforts to interact with customers and the public via social media platforms to spread the values of sustainability and awareness of environmental issues.
Support research and development to develop cyber marketing strategies that promote sustainable development and achieve environmental and social sustainability.
