Digital technology and its impact on the educational process

Document Type : Original Article


Education Development Fund - Cabinet of ministers


Today technology is of great importance to society, since all segments of society have linked it and most services have been used in all fields. Technology has reached our lives significantly, wherever we are, we use it all the time and everywhere. It is impossible to dispense with its services. Digital technology in the educational field is a service of the educational process, which is able to facilitate access to scientific information and its accessibility for the development of the educational process. The use of these new technologies in the learning process is in most educational positions in support of theoretical research.
The objectives of the research are to highlight the importance of digital technology in the field of education from the point of view of the faculty as well as to identify applications and programmes of technology of great importance and effectiveness in the educational process with a view to mainstreaming them in various disciplines and levels of study.
The researcher relies on the analytical descriptive approach, to suit the nature and quality of the research, and to carry out the field study by applying it to teaching staff at several technological faculties (Fayoum, Asyut, Cairo).
Thus, there are several findings and recommendations from the researcher, including:
Online education platforms: Internet education platforms have been used to provide diverse learning lessons and resources to students, allowing them to learn according to their own frequency.
Tele-cooperation platforms: use tele-cooperation platforms to facilitate the participation of projects and research among students, thus enhancing their cooperative capacities.
Open-source educational resources: Use available online educational resources such as free courses, articles and videos to expand the content of courses.
