The social impact of the economic crisis on Egyptian families (a field study of some segments of the middle class in Cairo)

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Education


This study addresses the social impact of the global economic crisis on Egypt and on the Egyptian family
The problem of the study revolved around a main question:
What are the effects of the economic crisis on Egyptian families? Are there strategies followed by Egyptian families to confront high prices?
Therefore, the study aimed to identify the effects of inflation on domestic violence and Egyptian families’ strategies to confront high prices.
The study was conducted according to the descriptive approach, including the scientific and methodological steps included in this approach. The interview guide was used as a tool for collecting data on a deliberate sample of thirty families of parents from the age groups (35-50)(50-65). The study took into account the class structure. The educational and professional variables.
It reached many results, the most prominent of which were:
The impact of high prices on Egyptian families, causing a decrease in family livelihood and increasing the burdens imposed on parents, which necessitated the necessity of rationalizing spending and arranging priorities.
-The continuous rise in the prices of food, energy and other materials has led to a significant change in consumption patterns and the management of personal expenses in proportion to this rise.
Families consume specific types of food, such as rice, pasta, legumes, and bread, on an ongoing basis, while trying to provide food regardless of its type, quality, or quantity.
The decline in the ability of families to satisfy their various basic needs was reflected in growing feelings of frustration.
