Omani Novel Trends. Themes and Techniques- Critical study

Document Type : Original Article




This critical study aims to explore the trends of the Omani novel from 1965 to 2020, and to identify the most prominent of these trends by analyzing the corpus Omani novels as well as its techniques and main themes, in order to recognize the developmental aspects in the Omani novel, and then determine its position in the Arab narrative system. The study seeks to explore some prominent narrative trends, such as: the historical, the national, the political, the social, the feminist, and the experimental trends, by defining the trend and its content, presenting a sample as well as various examples pertaining to the reality of Omani novels, and then recording some critical notes on themes and subjects. contained in the narratives of every trend.
Keywords: the historical trend- the political trend- the social trend- the feminist trend- the experimental trend.This critical study mainly aims to monitor the trends of the contemporary Omani novel written in the Arabic language in the period of time from 1965 to the year 2020,
