The formation of identity in the autobiographical discourse from the perspective of new historicism and cultural materialism.. Salah Fadl's (Ain al-Naqd) “Eye of Criticism” book as a model

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Literary Studies


This study works on approaching the critical, cultural and intellectual shifts and turns in the book (Ain al-Naqd) by Dr. Salah Fadl. Active in shaping the historical accumulation of Arab literary criticism over the decades, starting from the 1940s, when the writer was a child, until the 1990s. Thus, reading the book “Eye of Criticism” from the perspective of new historicism and cultural materialism helps to explore the intersections of literary criticism with the intellectual and cultural situation, with political dimensions, social transformations, and the context of the Egyptian-Israeli conflict or the different patterns of collective struggle, or the individual struggle for self-realization cognitively and intellectually, and a picture of the year is formed in it. ; It also, of course, paints a historical picture and represents the individual's biographical. In terms of methodology, we saw that the New Historicism according to the put forward of the American critic put forward Stephen Greenblatt, as well as some of the arguments of the Cultural Materialism Theory, is an appropriate theoretical framework to organize the features and lines of this study, and the regularity of its procedures or practice. Some of the importance of the book comes from the fact that it was written and published in a final stage of the critic's life and after the completion of his long career, to be a concluding witness or a comprehensive historical record containing many details, contextual lines and intellectual patterns that left their impact on the course of literary criticism in Egypt.
