Representation Of »In Yer Face Theatre « In a Lebanese Theater Scene

Document Type : Original Article


Ain Shams University


In conclusion, we find that the theatrical "Zukak Company" was a resistance to various marginal regimes. Hence, the company was able to impose a strong presence within the Lebanese art scene as a result of its role in shedding light on the political and societal structure within Lebanon. The company's performances have also become a tool of resistance to all authoritarian regimes, and the play spaces have provided a safe space in which the marginalized declare their rebellion against the dictatorial system.
If we stop at the scenographic theme of "Zukak Company", we will find that there is a great similarity between the "Peter and Brooke Theater" and "Zukak Company." Both made the theatrical space a place of confrontation. Or a boxing ring between the author and the audience. a space in which all human mold is embodied; a space that imposes on the actors the absolute implementation of all the disadvantages and criticisms of modern life.
In addition,  the company's attempt to re-address the prevailing historical narratives in its dramas with the aim of reformulating that truncated history is a slap in the face of all dictatorial regimes and a challenge to the cultural and societal systems in Lebanon.
