Guiding the minds to the manners in the story of Ibrahim's guest

Document Type : Original Article


This research revolves around the story of the guest of Abraham - peace be upon him - who mentioned the Qur'an in more than one place , Where it contains the ethics of the Muslim learned what was great Karam Ibrahim, and much of his charity to his hospitality , So I began to collect the etiquette of that blessed story in this research which I called (by way of guidance to what is in the story of the guest of Abraham of literature) .
And the theme of the whole literature that must be given by the host in the reception of the guest, commensurate with his status and eligibility , This comes within the framework of emphasizing the meaning of the advancement of Islam, and the Holy Qur'an preceded other legislationand human laws in the door of ethics , And urged the Muslim community to create such literatures, extract them from the dear book and the honorable year; to adhere to the Muslimindividual and be a good advocate of this religion with its values and ethics, and behavior and principles .
