-Methods of transferring the scientific term into Arabic- climate change terminology as a model-

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Arabic language, faculty of Al Alsun, Ain Shams university, Cairo, Egypt


-With the increasing interest in the state of climate change after the adoption of the “Kyoto Protocol” in 1997, it was expected that a large number of new terms related to this field would emerge. Although there are dictionaries of scientific terms in contemporary Arabic language, Such as dictionaries of the Arabic Language Academy in the fields of: geology, chemistry, etc., it lacks specialized dictionaries in climate terms.
Hence, this study seeks to be a step towards this specialized dictionary; due to its importance in our current time, it also aims to indicate Methods of transferring the scientific term (climate change terminology) into Arabic.
The study follows the descriptive approach with terminology. It begins by describing the climate change terms used in the annexes to the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): (terminology lists, glossaries, and dictionaries), since most of the editors of these reports are non-Arabs, Then the study shows how these terms entered the Arabic language according to the methods of transferring the term: derivation, borrowing, blending, metaphor etc., The study also discusses the issue of terminology standardization.-
