The satan image in the Jewish religious thought (from the bible to jewish interpretations in the middle ages)(descriptive historic study)

Document Type : Original Article


کلية الألسن- جامعة عين شمس


The research aims to trace the Jewish perception of the term Satan, starting from the Old Testament, passing through the Mishna and Midrashim, then Jewish interpretations and the mediator, and finally the Kabbalah thought, and monitoring the intellectual development of this term with each of the previous stages, as a result of changing cultural influences on Jewish thought.The research attempts to prove that the image of Satan in Jewish religious thought is a confused and unclear image, as it is in the Holy Qur’an, and that any change in it was the result of intellectual influences that cast a shadow on Jewish religious thought in general, and in the image of Satan in particular.The research adopts the historical descriptive approach, in an attempt to provide a description of the intellectual concepts proposed for the term "שטן" in the Jewish faith through predetermined historical stages in the study, with an attempt to link these concepts and intellectual influences at each stage. The Old Testament, then the Mishna, and then the Jewish interpretations of the term in the passages of the Old Testament.
