Fillmore’s Theory of Frames Revisited: From Decontextualization to Ideological Contextualization

Document Type : Original Article


Department of English Language, Literature and Simultaneous Interpretation- Faculty of Humanities, Al-Azhar University


Objective of the present study is to show that Fillmore’s (1982) theory of frames can extend in application to include contextualized sentences and phrases, not just mere lexical units or decontextualized sentences as set in the original theory; and to new domains as that of journalism. This extension is beneficial as a detecting tool of hidden ideologies. The study applies Fillmore’s Frame semantics to the practice of a popular Egyptian newspaper in covering Covid-19 crisis during the period from the time of breaking news of the virus till declaring it a pandemic. Analysis of the news coverage shows that there is consistent repetition of the same frames throughout the period of examination. Given the tendency not to spread panic or harm economy, focus was on highlighting fulfillment of duty on part of the government and the political system in general and a claim of a stabilized situation.


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