Bedouin Issues As Reflected in the Egyptian Cinema )A Socio-Anthropological Study(

Document Type : Original Article


Sociology Department, Women's College, Ain Shams University, Cairo


The current study seeks to explore the Bedouin issues that are dealt with in cinematic films; those issues that have been raised in the historical heritage and the Bedouin research heritage. The study adopts the theory of symbolic interactionism and subculture as its theoretical framework. It relies on the social survey approach in its two methods (the comprehensive survey and the sample survey), and the historical approach. The study uses the content analysis tool through the quantitative and qualitative content analysis form. The study sample consists of (21) films that covered the time period from the fifties of the twentieth century until the second decade of the twenty-first century. The study results indicate that there are (65) films conducted about the Bedouins in the Egyptian cinema, (19) of them are about the Arab Bedouins in general, while (46) are about the Bedouins of Egypt in particular. The results also revealed that there are six main issues dealt with by cinematic films, and They are divided into: social issues (marginalization and social isolation, mutual visions between the Bedouin and the Urban), legal issues (refusal to comply with positive law, possession “informal ownership”), and political issues (the Bedouin’s relationship with Authority and official agencies, patriotism and affiliation).


Main Subjects