The Role of Digital Financial Services in Economic Empowerment of Women Breadwinner (A Field Study on a Sample of Women Breadwinner in Egyptian Society)

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Philosophy and Sociology – Faculty of Education – Ain Shams University- Egypt


The current study aims to analyze the role of digital financial services in economic empowerment of women breadwinner. It mainly relies on the social survey method and sampling technique, and uses the five- point Likert scale to collect quantitative data from a sample consisting of 220 femail breadwinners. The study has yielded many findings, of which the most important is the fact that there is a statistically significant correlation between the use of digital financial services and the economic empowerment of women breadwinner at a 0.01 indication level, Where the value of the Pearson correlation coefficient was (0.745), which means that the greater the use of digital financial services by the breadwinner woman, the greater her economic empowerment. There is a statistically significant difference between the groups of respondents with regard to economic empowerment through the use of digital financial services according to the variables of age, educational status, and income, where the value of (F) is (10.488, 55.442, 5.992), respectively, at a less than 0.05 indication level. The most prominent problems faced by breadwinner women when using digital financial services are the weakness of the customer's financial protection framework, the lack of financial management culture with regard to saving and investment, and the weakness of channels for dealing with customer complaints.


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