Cultural Perceptions of the Body and Their Relationship to Social Stigma of Infertility: A Comparative Field Study of Gender

Document Type : Original Article


Population Studies Dept. - Faculty of Arts - Minia University


The study aims to explore the relationship between cultural perceptions of the body and social stigma of infertility, The study was based on two main questions; What are the features of the cultural perceptions of the infertile body in the study community, And what is the relationship between these perceptions and social stigma. The study took cultural approach to body perceptions, theory of social networks, and Goffman's theory of social stigma of the body as a theoretical guide, Methodologically, sample social survey, ethnographic and comparison methods were used, The study was conducted in (7) villages representing the rural community. The researcher collected an unstructured questionnaire about the cultural perceptions of the body, on an  area sample consisting of (650) parents. And a guide for ethnographic interrogations and scientific observation on a purposed sample of infertile husbands and wives, consisting of (13) cases. The general results revealed the presence of many values, beliefs and cultural traditions of parents, these perceptions describe the structure of the infertile body as an incomplete body whose ideal is achieved through reproduction. Because perceptions of infertility cause effects on the masculine and feminine body identity, and the expected paternal and maternal roles, In addition to the presence of statistically significant differences between gender in favor of males, whether in rejecting the infertile body, and strengthening the values that encourage reproduction, the analyzes also revealed many features that confirm the stigmatization of the infertile body in term of the values, beliefs and traditions directed at the body. This led to a sense of stigma among the study cases through sensitivity resulting from social pressures, excessive anxiety accompanied by nervousness resulting from the body's struggle with cultural perceptions in the social environment, social isolation, feelings of sadness contrasted with feelings of hope, and these features are more prominent among wives than husbands.


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