Social Determinants of womens Crime: An Anthropological Study of Ex-Prisoners in Ezbet Khairallah

Document Type : Original Article


کلية الدراسات الأفريقية العليا _ جامعة القاهرة


The current paper aimed to study the criminal behavior of women in `Izbat Khayrallah, knowing the factors that drive the criminal behavior of women, and what are the most important forms of different criminal behavior of women in the study community, as well as identifying the individual mechanisms that drive crime among women who have previously committed crime in the `Izbit. The study relied on the anthropological approach with its various tools, and the study was applied to a sample of women living in Ezbet Khayrallah, and the study reached a number of results, perhaps the most important of which are: the difficulty of being satisfied with one factor to justify a woman’s crime, where many factors combine to be the cause of criminal behavior, It is difficult to attribute the crime to only one factor. Criminal behavior is not only the product of the relational level, nor is it the result of problems of the social structure only or the unconscious level (the psychological aspect), but rather it is the product of all these levels together. Where this interaction includes subjective characteristics, historical circumstances, and a complex relational interaction that takes place within environments with a non-functional normative and value fabric. Urbanization and technological development also contribute to changing criminal forms, creating new patterns of crime and new mechanisms of practice. There is also a correlation between women's openness to divided and disparate environments, and their criminal act, as well as between changing traditional women's roles, where women bear the responsibilities of spending and maintenance, and the high crime rates.


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