Document Type : Original Article


College of Arts and Humanities - Taibah University - Yanbu - KSA


Book of (SHRH 'ABYAT SIBAWAYH AND WALMUFASAL)- Considered Subject of investigation - Only Surviving Trace of its author: AFIF AL-DIN RABEI BIN MUHAMMAD BIN MANSOUR AL-KUFI . high scientific value due to its inclusion of grammatical evidence contained in SIBAWAYH AND WALMUFASAL Books , Abundance of his scientific Subjects, Including Opinions, Languages, Literature, Proverbs, news, in addition to Memorizing Rare Texts from Lost Books, fallen Texts From Existing Books, being a source of author’s opinions .
This Investigation Considered a continuation of previous investigations, the first section of it was investigated by the researcher: IBRAHIM ALI RAKA - may Allah have mercy on him - in his scientific thesis that he submitted to obtain a (PhD) From Faculty of DAR AL ULOOM, Cairo University, followed by investigation of Dr.: AHMED AL-MABADI AL-HARBI, investigated by Dr. SAMI MUHAMMAD AL-ZAHRANI, I Resolved to participate in production of this book by investigating this amount of Manuscript .
Research Divided Into Two :-
First Section :- Study
Contained Two Demands : -
Firstly :- Introducing Author
Secondly :- Introducing Book
Second Section :- Edited text
Research concluded with a proof of references , sources that the Researcher Depend on in this Research.
