Wordcloud Based R programming as a supplementary tool for critical discourse analysis

Document Type : Original Article


Higher Institution of Languages and Translation, Fifth Settlement


A technology dominant era with a bulk of e-texts entails a fast and accurate text mining. The analysis of written discourse has a solid literature. However, online software programs go viral to analyze texts automatically. Unlike online software tools for text analysis, offline R programming with text mining packages, via certain codes, can visualize the text in a way that creates a proactive reader. The current research aims at investigating wordcloud packages included in R studio as a supplementary tool ,combined with Fairclogh model for critical discourse analysis, to stimulate the Fifth Settlement Languages Institution English department students to analyze a written discourse. Wordcloud production goes through 4steps: retrieving the data and uploading the packages; Cleaning the text data; creating a document-term-matrix and generating the word cloud. The sample of the study included 20 students from the third year who are assigned critical reading course. The pre-post research design proved its efficiency as a supplementary tool in the analysis of a written discourse.


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