Multidimensional poverty, a case study - the local unit - Al-Nazla - Fayoum Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Geography, Faculty of Humanities, Al-Azhar University,


Ending poverty in all its forms everywhere is goal number one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for the year 2030. Multidimensional poverty measures multiple deprivations in basic services and capabilities. The study aimed to analyze the characteristics of the population below the poverty line and who suffer from multidimensional poverty in the village of Al-Nazla - Fayoum Governorate as a case study. The study assumes the existence of a strong relationship between the characteristics and extent of deprivation in the educational and health dimensions and living conditions. The study examined poverty indicators in the village of Al-Nazla in 2022, and the characteristics of the population who suffer from multidimensional poverty, and concluded that the multidimensional poverty index scored about 0.26 for poverty, 0.18 for extreme poverty. The educational dimension contributes the largest percentage to the multidimensional poverty index with a rate of (47.8%), followed by the health dimension with a percentage of (35.8%). The lowest contribution of the standard of living dimension in both multiple poverty and extreme poverty to record (16.4 and 13.1%, respectively). The study recommended developing a vision for the village based on sustainable eco-tourism, and applying some successful experiences in developing a strategy to eradicate poverty in the village.

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