The attitudes of faculty members towards mechanisms to achieve the quality of university education

Document Type : Original Article


Social studies education faculty applied stuff.


The aim of the research is to identify the attitudes of faculty members towards mechanisms to achieve the quality of university education, and the research sample consisted of (120) faculty members, including (60) members of practical faculties, and (60) members of theoretical faculties, and they were also divided according to scientific degree. (Professor - Assistant Professor - Teacher) each of them (40) individuals, and the university education quality questionnaire was used, which was prepared by (the researcher). The results of the study indicated that the attitudes of faculty members towards the application of total quality management are moderately positive. The average in the objectives of applying the quality system in the college was (2.14), while the arithmetic average of the college’s keenness to provide educational programs to spread the culture of quality was (2.39), and the method used in education in the college seeks to achieve the quality of the educational process (2.21), and achieve programs The academic studies you study achieve quality in the college (2.24), and your suggestions to modify and develop the education system in the college to achieve quality to be suitable for the needs of the labor market (2.11), and there are statistically significant differences at the level (0.01) between practical and theoretical colleges, in favor of practical colleges, there are differences Statistically significant when Significance level (0.01) among faculty members according to the academic degree, in favor of the professor's degree.

Main Subjects