Passion in/ of body: semiotic reading of Delikatessen of Theo Ananissoh

Document Type : Original Article


French department Faculty of Arts Damietta University


In Théo Ananissoh's Delikatessen, the two passions that dominate the novel are put into discourse via the body of the actants, from which it comes that the body seems to be the essential operator of the signifying universe of the novel. Through the body, romantic relationships and power struggles are established: men in power physically dominate the weakest. Where does the question on the possibility of releasing a certain semiosis of the passions which will strongly solicit the figurative characteristics of the body-container or the body-surface come from? What are the ins and outs of this semiotic relationship in which the body seems to mediate between expression and content. To do this, we will resort to the concepts offered by the semiotics of the body such as the body-envelope and its two complementary faces: the container and the surface of inscription and the Me-Chair as well as to the discursive manifestations of the intensity and extent of the passions put into discourse, in order to present a semiotic reading of the novel


Main Subjects

Ananissoh(Théo), 2017, Delikatessen, Paris, Gallimard, coll. Continents noirs.
II-Ouvrages théoriques
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III-Articles parus dans des périodiques
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