Description of ideology A study in the novel (A Very Old Friend) by Ibrahim Aslan

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Dar Al Uloom Fayoum University Department of Rhetoric, Literary Criticism and Comparative Literature


This research analyzes the ideological dimension in Ibrahim Aslan's "A Very Old Friend's Novel", by mixing it with features of description and narration techniques that contribute to highlighting the ideological dimension within the novel, whether it is a description of the characters, the place, or other key elements. The reliance on the intellectual dimensions included in the description represents a good basis for dealing with the descriptive synergy between the aesthetic and intellectual, and the structures and significance, because in the context of our text the “description” and what was characterized by its intensity, diversity and evasiveness in the various aspects of the text, served as the central focus in which they converge. Expression compass, and the writing style filter.Devoting to analyzing the relationship between the intellectual and the descriptive in the novel reveals two aspects of great importance, namely the phenomenon of social modeling of characters and places, and all the components of the narrative, which makes it a narrative about the usual and familiar and not a narrative based on the alienation of reality, but rather an attempt to approach it as a living world. The narration was colored in the color of memory, and its joints moved in the light of the retrospective narration.


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