The Polemic of Oppression in the Novel of “Jahiliya” by Laila al-Jahni

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Arabic Language and Literature College of Arts and Social Science Sultan Qaboos University Sultanate of Oman Muscat


This Study has chosen “Jahiliya” novel, by the Sudi writer Laila al-Jahni, because it tackles an important issue, which is wide spread in the Arabian communities and that is the theme of oppression against certain social classes, during contemporary time.
The approach of this study in dealing with the novel’s context was by applying the theories of Cultural Studies, that are connected to the Feminism and Ethnic stream. In addition, to applying the approach of the French scholar Gerrard Genette in analyzing the discourse of the narrative.
The study merges, at the same time, the above mentioned two theories with the theory of Polyphony in narrative, by the Russian Scholar Mikhail Bakhtin. This study is constructed as follows:
- Introduction: that explains the importance of this study.
- Synopsis of the novel, and an illustration of the theories that are used by this study.
- The analysis: of the novel’s context by breaking down the components of the narrative, of which the discourse of the literary text is created from.
- Conclusion: that sums-up the results of the study.
The study comes into terms with these results:
- Harmony of the narrative text and accord of its content, is evident in its various quotes.
- Unison and the correlation of the narrative’s creative structure.
- The ability of every character in the text to illustrate ideas.
- The author stresses the independence of the characters.
- The confirmation of the continued moral and intellectual ignorance in our times.


Main Subjects