Religious orientation is one of the determinants of psychological and social adjustment among patients with colostomy (diversion)


Mansoura University


Religious Orientation is a behavioral pattern and lifestyle that aims to adhere to the ideas of religious belief and its teachings towards God and society. The religious person has the will to modify his life regardless of the type of religion he belongs to.
Carl Jung pointed out that health problems are based on the lack of a religious view of life in the event that the cause is inorganic in origin, here individuals become prey to disease because they have lost what religions give, and that the real recovery is only after the individual regains his religious view In life. (Mohammed Najati, 1993, p.: 269)
Religiosity in its internal and external religious dimensions for the study sample (colostomy patients) is a strong predictor of psychological and social adjustment for these patients, taking into account the type of patient (male or female) and his social condition.
Religiosity in its internal and external religious dimensions for the study sample (colostomy patients) is a strong predictor of psychological and social adjustment for these patients, taking into account the type of patient (male or female), social status, age, and family size. These demographic variables may help to clarify the differences, and how Religiosity is a predictor of psychological adjustment with its components (self-adjustment, emotional adjustment, health adjustment, and social adjustment with its components, social isolation, family adjustment, and marital adjustment) in patients with colostomy.
(Gllant, 2001, P:17)
