Theoretical rooting of the concept of turning points in the light of the life cycle perspective: a field study on a sample of families in Fayoum Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


Fayoum Uni. Arts college. Siciology Dep.


 The problem of the study revolves around a main goal, which is revealing of the theoretical rooting of the concept of turning points in the light of the life cycle perspective, by conducting a field study on a sample of families in Fayoum Governorate. This study belongs to the exploratory studies, and the researcher relied on the case study approach, and then the interview guide was a tool for data collection, as well as observation, and the study ended with a set of results, the most important of which are the following: The turning points that the family is exposed to in the study The diversity of the characteristics of the sample in both urban and rural areas in all qualitative variables, age, social and educational status, income level, number of children, place of residence ...... etc., which indicates that the phenomenon under study is dealt with at various levels of the Egyptian family , which gives comprehensiveness and depth to the current studycommunity vary between social, economic, and political...... etc,The study shows the effective role of the state’s role in supporting the Egyptian family, which is exposed to turning points, whether social, economic, or political. In rural or urban
