The effectiveness of program based on skills of mindfulness to improving executive functions and attention deficit among children with learning disorders.

Document Type : Original Article


National Center for Examination and Educational Evaluation


The st25udy aimed to: identify The effectiveness of program based on skills of mindfulness for improving executive functions and attention deficit among children with learning disorders. The experimental sample consisted of (8) male children, aged between (7:8) years, and educable learning disorders children in schools. The researchers used experimental approaches, based on experimental design with one-group was used (pre- post) experimental, The researchers used level of development of executive functions in children scale prepared by: (Abdulaziz Al-ShaKhas, et al, 2018), and the attention difficulties scale prepared by: (Al-Zayyat, 2007), and the mindfulness program improving executive functions and attention deficit among children with learning disorders Prepared by: (the researchers), The study reached the following results: using mindfulness skills improving the executive functions and attention deficit among children with learning disorders.