Security anxiety among residents of the border areas in the Gaza Strip and its relationship to some variables

Document Type : Original Article


Al-Quds Open University


Security anxiety has many forms and manifestations. It effects on people without obvious reasons. What is new about anxiety disease is that there are evidences of some kind of disturbance in brain chemicals, in addition it imbalances  the patient 's behavior and learning from life experiences, so the patient will exhaust. Therefore, modern methods of treatment to all these things until the cure, so the current research aimed to know the following:
1-Security anxiety.
2.Security anxiety among the residents of the border areas in the Gaza Strip.
3- security anxiety and its relationship to some variables
4.knowledge of the correlation between security anxiety and some variables (gender, level of education, age, marital status, Job).
 The researchers built a measure of security anxiety , which consists of (33) paragraphs, and the researchers reached of the following results :
1.The population of border areas has a statistically significant security anxiety .
2-There is no statistically significant correlation in security anxiety  according to the type variable .
3- There is no statistically significant correlation in security anxiety  according to the variable level of education .
4- There is no statistically significant correlation in security anxiety  according to age variable.
5- There is no statistically significant correlation in security anxiety  according to the marital status variable .
6- There is no statistically significant correlation in security anxiety  according to the profession variable.
