Uncovering the confusion about what Ibn Abbas narrated orally on the authority of the Prophet Peace be upon him By Imam Muhammad Abed bin Ahmed Ali Al-Ansari Al-Sindi May God Almighty forgive him be pleased with him and his parents, Amen Died (1257 A.H.)

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Hadith and its Sciences at Princess Nourah Bint Abdul Rahman University


This manuscript that we have in our hands is one of the products of a group of hadith scholars”Uncovering the confusion about what Ibn Abbas narrated orally on the authority of the Prophet Peace be upon him”

Several reasons prompted me to study and review it. The most important of which are:
1-My intense love for the Prophet’s Sunnah, and my urgent desire to obtain the honor of participating in the field of rhetorical studies, and be part of this honored work. I prayed a lot and hoped that God would make me a participant in this field. There is no disagreement between people of understanding and intellect, and there is no doubt among those with knowledge that the science of hadith is one of the most honorable Islamic sciences in terms of value , benefit and reward, and that it is one of the pillars of Islam that Islam revolves around. It is one of the obligations of competencies that must be adhered to, and also a right of religion that must be enforced.
2- The first in which the precious days were spent, and the highest that is devoted to more attention, is to work with the Islamic sciences learned from the Prophet Mohamed, God’s peace be upon him. It is a known fact to any person


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