The impact of differences in the Lections (readings) of Quran in enriching the sementics, Applied study of some patterns in Sorah Al-Fatiha and Sorah Al-Baqarah by using the Compositional Analysis Theory

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Linguistics and Semitic and Oriental Studies , Faculty of Dar Al Uloom Cairo University


The impact of differences in the Lections (readings) of Quran in enriching the sementics, Applied study of some patterns in Sorah Al-Fatiha and Sorah Al-Baqarah
by using the Compositional Analysis Theory

This research represents aside of the semantic rasarch in the Lections (readings) of Quran benefits from the Compositional Analysis Theory in the modern linguistics to define the Semantics Features of some samples of the seven Lections (readings) of Quran in Sorah Al-Fatiha and Sorah Al-Baqarah and the semantics variation resulted from that.
The research resulted in that the variation of the Lections (readings) added a semantic features only one reading can't do that.
From that of the important semantic features that the transition from sensory to mental, addition of numeric and shaping features representation the aspect and character and exaggeration and generalization to include word and deed. So the Compositional Analysis Theory can contribute in a wider study to the Quran (readings) and have important results in the Quran and linguistic lesson. Lections


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