Mention the name of the intended person in the rhyme.. its value and influence in poetic construction

Document Type : Original Article


Cairo university


This research paper deals with a poetic strategy that is to construct the poem on mentioning the name of the intended person in the rhyme of the poem.
This paper aims to clarify the textual value of this creative strategy, and to trace its effects in the structure of the Arabic poem. It is the first study that deals with this strategy within the limits of my knowledge.
This research paper took a specific approach, beginning with an explanation of that strategy and its textual value, and then moving on to the analytical clarification of the dimensions of its effect on the structure of the poetic text rhythmically, structurally and semantically.
This study dealt with these aspects through a short introduction, then four detailed sections, and a conclusion with the most important results of the study.
Among the most important results of the study: a statement of the functional value of this strategy in constructing poetry, an explanation of its effect on the rhythm of the poetic text, its structure and significance.


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