Social and artistic dialectic in women's biography. A study of communicator effects and narrative changes

Document Type : Original Article


suez university , faculty of arts, arabic department


The biography is surrounded by many sources of artistic beauty, which are essential ingredients for its distinction, as well as many sources of confusion. It seems more present with women's biographies, as they resist the traditions of the society that prevents them from disclosing, and the traditions of the autobiographical art that goes through its stages of artistic formation. It may be hindered by old heritage elements, and may establish its presence and push it
The research studies the most important artistic aspects and its continuous debate with social obstacles, in the texts of what the research called the “intermediate stage” focusing on three texts: “The Journey” by Radwa Ashour, “Personal Papers” by Latifah Al-Zayat, and “On the Bridge” by Girl Al Shati. The most important artistic features, starting with the interest in childhood to increasing artistic and societal audacity, passing through the control of women and assigning them the basic roles, and the insistence on the singular interlocutor to the degree of total dependence on it, as well as taking into account the natural chronology of events, without narrative games related to time and the entry of the general into the private and the lack of the concept of subjectivity Lushan is related to closing down and rumination of what happened in a closed personal way, and the beginning of society’s maneuvering, such as matters related to the activation of the body.


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