A computational approach to dealing with the phenomenon of Al'ielal Bil Hazf

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Arabic, College of Arts, Kuwait University


This paper presents a computational approach to deal with the phonological and morpho-phonological alternations that occur within the phenomenon of Al'ielal Bil Hazf (الإعلال بالحذف). The phenomenon of Al'ielal relates to the alternations that occur in vowel and hamza sounds in certain phonological contexts. The computational approach presented in this paper is built using a linguistically-motivated formalization of Al'ielal Bil Hazf phenomenon using the Syllabification Analysis of word structure and Phonological Context-Sensitive Rules. We built the computational approach using Finite State Automata technique through Finite State Networks and using mathematical operations applied to these networks, the most important of which is the Composition operation. We applied the phonological rules of alternations related to the phenomenon of Al'ielal Bil Hazf by means of special computational rules known as Replace Rules. These rules were automatically converted into Finite State Transducers through the Xerox Finite State Tools system and using them we were able to computationally deal with the linguistic generalizations and regularities that govern the phonological and morpho-phonological alternations that occur in the phenomenon of Al'ielal Bil Hazf. We also demonstrated in an applied manner the success of our approach in enabling the computer to deal with these alternations.


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